The International Science Bee is pleased to announce that through the end of December 2019, 54 Varsity and 70 JV students have taken the C Set National Qualifying Exam. As we now calculate the National Median Scores earlier in the academic year to give everyone more lead time to prepare to attend the National Championships, we can now announce that the official C Set National Median Scores are 64 for Varsity and 53 for Junior Varsity. Anyone who has scored or who scores higher than these scores on the Exam qualifies for the 2020 International Science Bee National Championships in their age division. The National Median Scores for C Set will not change further based on students who take this version of the NSB National Qualifying Exam in 2020. Students whose scores were in the top 50% of scores at their Exam site still qualify too, even if they scored less than the National Median Scores. We have also added access to spreadsheets showing all scores by Set (click on the tabs at the bottom of the page for the other age division) on the Results page here.
The B Set National Median Scores will be announced in early February, and the A Set National Median Scores will be announced in early March. Best of luck in qualifying for and preparing for the 2020 International Science Bee National Championships!